Tickets To Pay [[ pending_cash_tickets.length + pending_tickets.length ]]

[[ cancel_ticket_err ]]

To be paid online:

Online payments must be settled within 1 hour to secure your tickets.

You have no tickets to pay online.

  • [[ controlled_individuals[key] ]]

    [[ group[0].group['title'] ]]

    Cancel All

    [[ dateFormatter(ticket.event.on_date, 'DD/MM/YY') ]]


Sub-Total: £[[ pending_online_subtotal ]]

Pay £[[ pending_online_subtotal ]] now

To be paid in cash:

You have no tickets to pay in cash.

  • [[ controlled_individuals[key] ]]

    [[ group[0].group['title'] ]]

    Cancel All

    [[ dateFormatter(ticket.event.on_date, 'DD/MM/YY') ]]


Sub-Total: £[[ pending_cash_subtotal ]]

Total: £[[ Number(Number(pending_online_subtotal) + Number(pending_cash_subtotal)).toFixed(2) ]]

Tickets To Pay [[ pending_cash_tickets.length + pending_tickets.length ]]

[[ cancel_ticket_err ]]

To be paid online:

Online payments must be settled within 1 hour to secure your tickets.

You have no tickets to pay online.

  • [[ controlled_individuals[key] ]]

    [[ group[0].group['title'] ]]

    Cancel All

    [[ dateFormatter(ticket.event.on_date, 'DD/MM/YY') ]]


Sub-Total: £[[ pending_online_subtotal ]]

Pay £[[ pending_online_subtotal ]] now

To be paid in cash:

You have no tickets to pay in cash.

  • [[ controlled_individuals[key] ]]

    [[ group[0].group['title'] ]]

    Cancel All

    [[ dateFormatter(ticket.event.on_date, 'DD/MM/YY') ]]


Sub-Total: £[[ pending_cash_subtotal ]]

Total: £[[ Number(Number(pending_online_subtotal) + Number(pending_cash_subtotal)).toFixed(2) ]]

[[ tickets_confirmed.message ]]

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[[ ]]

Info Sign up to sessions

Our Stirling Albion Foundation "Mini Bino" sessions are based indoors at Bannockburn High School on Saturday mornings and at The Allan Centre on Friday evenings. These sessions allow your child to play and enjoy football in a safe, fun and professional environment. All welcome!

What to Expect:

-All sessions will be coach and player led, no parent participation

-For the 3-4 year old group, our focus will be on the football fundamentals by using fun interactive games.

-For the 5-6 year old group, our focus will be on developing the participants technical skills such a control, dribbling, passing, shooting and apply them in game related practices such as 1v1s,2v2s and small sided games.

Please note the surface is an indoor floor and participants should wear appropriate footwear.  

Location: Bannockburn High School (FK7 0HQ)

The duration of the classes shall be for 5 weeks, starting from Saturday 11th January to Saturday 8th February 

Parents/Carers must be in attendance with their child for the full duration and wait outside the hall during the class.  

Classes are for the 3-4 years and 5-6 years age groups and run as follows: 

3-4 years: 10am-11am

5-6 years: 11am-12pm

Purchase a block of 5 classes for the price of 4 for £20

Single bookings are £4 per class

New Class:

Location: The Allan Centre (FK9 4AT)

The duration of the classes shall be for 5 weeks, starting on Friday 10th January to Friday 7th February 

Parents/Carers must be in attendance with their child for the full duration and wait outside the hall during the class.

Classes are for the 3-4 years and 5-6 years age groups and run as follows: 

3-4 years: 430pm-530pm

5-6 years: 530pm-630pm

Purchase a block of 5 classes for the price of 4 for £20

Single bookings are £4 per class



[[ ]]

[[ group.future_sessions ]] sessions remaining

This block of sessions has already started. Please contact a delivering official if you wish to sign up pro rata.

Eligible For
Starts - Ends

[[firstAndLastDay('first', group)]] - [[firstAndLastDay('last', group)]]


[[ group_deliverers_name_concat(deliverers_by_group[]) ]]

Sessions Selected: [[ getSelectedSessionCount(group) ]]

Sub-Total: £[[ calculateGroupSessionPrice(group)]]

Sub-Total: [[ calculateGroupSessionPrice(group)]]

View Sessions In Calendar

Sessions Calendar

Click on a session in the calendar for more details and sign up.


  • [[ get_location(loc, 'name') ]]
  • [[ ind.full_name ]]
  • [[ ]]

Applied Filters



  • [[ get_location(loc, 'name') ]]
  • [[ ind.full_name ]]
  • [[ ]]

Applied Filters


Confirm Cancellation

By clicking confirm you forfeit the reserved spots and your payment will be refunded.

Please log in to secure spots in programme sessions.

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